Saturday, October 17, 2009


Our 7lb 1oz munchkin. We're totally in love and the kids just adore her...especially Ashlyn. She's really stepped up as a big sister. Recovery was painful and took much longer than expected. I'm pooped but we're all doing well.


Bow Family said...


Sorry to hear about recovery,but I'm glad that the baby is healthy and cute.Wish we could be closer and enjoy our babies.Take care and take lots of naps.

Kari said...

What a cute little baby. Congratulations. Hope you are getting rest when you can. Take care.

Amy said...

HYO!!! Congrats! She is an absolute DOLL. You really have the cutest kids!

Lisa said...

Hyo! You already had your baby! I'm so excited for you and your family of five. Let me know if you need anything. Seriously.

marissa said...

We love Anna and can't wait to meet her soon. She is seriously adorable and I love her hair - all of your kids are blessed with great hair!

Rozemary said...

Beautiful!!!! We should talk C-sections sometime soon! :)xoxo

Erica said...


How beautiful! Obviously it's been a while since I've checked blogs! My baby is 5 months old and I still can't get anything done! I hope that you are doing well and that you had a great holiday!

Momza said...

Congratulations!!! Babies rock my world!