Thursday, May 22, 2008

Our 5 year Anniversary...we've come such a long way..

From this...

To this...

Where did the time go? It seems like life has been flying by and we're hanging on by our fingernails. We're definitely older, with less energy but more in need of it. I think we're wiser and seems like we're not always sure if we're coming or going.

But there hasn't been a dull moment. And something tells me that life is only going to get crazier and sillier and well, out of control. Hon, you've really been great through it all. The schooling, the exams, the BARS (ugh!!) and everything in between. Thank you sweetie. I couldn't have asked for a more amazing husband. I know that you probably have forgotten that today is our anniversary since your going nuts at work, but that's o.k. I hope you do have a wonderful day regardless. I'll try to keep your dinner warm (depending on what time you get home)....other than that, I love you tons!! "LMM" (for everyone else, don't ask what it stands for - our "pet names").


aliceandcheol said...

Happy Anniversary!

heidirees said...

You guys haven't aged at all in 5 years. I'm pretty impressed. Happy anniversary!! Hope you guys did something fun. We didn't do anything (that's what happens when you have kids, I guess). And on a side note, I was so disappointed that David Archuleta didn't win...and yes, I know that makes me a loser.

ewesa said...

time flies Hyo. :) I remember even BEFORE the top picture. :) you guys are great and a great example. wahoo five years! that's awesome. congrats!

Leslie Behunin said...

Wow, 5 years already? It feels like yesterday that we were driving around in your green Civic and talking about how much you really, really liked him!!!

Anonymous said...

I thought you called him t-bone like everone else, but for you it was because he is a big hunk of man-steak. I guess that theory is out.

A lot has changed over the years. I remember Heidi and me going out on double dates with Todd and other people that weren't nearly as cool as you. He lucked out too.


Unknown said...

Cute pictures! A lot can happen in five years, huh?

Erica said...

Hey we both made it five years! Congratulations to both of us. The funny thing is that we both have 2 kids also. What can you do? It's just the way to do it! Your kids are so cute.

Lisa said...

Five years! Wow, happy anniversary! I probably say this every time I comment on your blog, but I can't get over how cute your family is!

david santos said...

Really beautiful!
But! nice, nice and very nice Baby`s!
Happy forever