Monday, October 1, 2007

To blog or not to blog...what a question!!..

After some gentle prodding from a good friend of mine who is a "professional blogger" (thanks Leslie), I have decided to take our family to a more global level by creating a blog page. Hopefully, this will be a way of simply letting you know of "our world": what's up, what's down, what we like, what we don't like and what our hopes and dreams are.


Leslie Behunin said...

I don't know about 'professional', more like 'addict'! I'm very excited to be able to keep up with you and your family!!! WELCOME!!!

Shizzle said...

blah, blah, blah ...

plainoldsarah said...

hooray hooray! go forth with the blog!

Unknown said...

Oh boy! I love it! What a cute picture of your family too. I'm glad you've succumbed to the dark side of blogging. It's so fun!

ewesa said...

it's too late to stop now, I've already linked you to my blog. :) can't wait to see more! look how long your hair is! awesome!

Lynnsey said...

So glad you joined the bloggers!!! We are excited to be able to stay up-to-date with your family and adventures! We need to get together sometime!