Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Catching typical of me...

I really am a lousy blogger. I'll take pics to blog about and then I just don't do it or I think it's too lame. But I shouldn't care right? So here I go...

Pantry Play

Ethan loves, loves to play in the pantry and I really don't like that. He'll try and grab a can and then start gnawing on it...gross. So I'll close the pantry door, but then he'll have a fit about it so then I would just open it maybe 4 or 5 inches...just wide enough for him to put his arms through so that he can just touch things but not get IN the pantry...well...that backfired...

I just want to know how in the world he jimmied himself in that pantry???

Cooperative Play

This is my fave...Ashlyn and Ethan playing with each other. They are so funny!! One of his favorite things to do is to hold onto the back of Ashlyn trike while she's riding it in the house (still too cold outside). And if she stops, he starts screaming.

Ethan also loves to follow Ashlyn around. If she goes into her room, he's right behind her. If she's playing with megablocks or with her kitchen set, he's doing the same thing too. A few days ago, I overheard Ashlyn say to Ethan...I love you Ethan and then gave him a hug...sweet, huh?

Cooperative Play + Pantry Play = why not??

So that's that on my kids. They're great most times and bearable...sometimes. Regardless, we makes sure we do tons of hugs and kisses each day.


Leslie Behunin said...

I loved this post!!!! You're kids are so darn cute! I think I need Ethan to get behind me on the treadmill so if I slow down or stop he can scream at me, too!!! He'd be a great motivator!

heidirees said...

They are growing up so fast!! It looks like they have so much fun together. It's funny to see them on that bike. Logan pushes Austin around on our Lightning McQueen ride on toy. Funny, funny kids.